Friday, October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  • The branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.

  • 2. Unecessary

    i like to mumble.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Kiwi Collision

    Great News!! Our fist single with the new band members is coming up! its going to be an awesome song about awesomeness! we will try to release it by next month. We are aslo starting a YouTube account. It isn't going to be all about the band. it is going to involve our lives and the media and any other random things we can think of. Most of our videos will be recorded together but there will be some that will be recorded individually. We will notify all of our AWESOME FOLLOWERS when a new video has been uploaded. We will try to make a weekly video. We could make more videos if requsted ^_^ so please do! and don't forget to subscribe!!!

    "We're the new face of failure"

    "You're not even a band"  Uh yes. Yes we are. Are you in a band? No you are not. So stop hating. We will be a band one day. SO SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH. We just started so I dont expect to get famous over night. Over time more people will view our pages and listen to our music (hopefully we will have music) and they will like LOVE us. And when that happens I will go right up to everyone who didn't believe and throw coffee in their face.


    Band Members- Marwa (bass), Selena (guitar), Brianna (drums), and Katie (keyboard).
    Genre- screamo/ heavy metal/ rock/ tiny bit indie (maybe...sometimes...)
    We are new to all tis and wish to one day have fans that love and adores us. The ones that obsess over you. The kind that know your favorite color and your pee schedule. WE WANT TO BE LOVED.

    Monday, October 10, 2011


    Hello everyone! This is Nebby! I just want to say I love all my followers!! Thank you so
    Much for all your support! Nebular Process is planning to have a photoshoot this Thursday! Can't wait :D